Submerged Fixed Film Aeration System (SAFF) :-

SAFF has numerous applications in wastewater treatment. The shape of the media has a significant influence on application and must be considered along specific surface area and void ratio.

Energy for the biodegradation is provided by dissolved oxygen from air, which is distributed by a self-cleaning, high-efficiency oxygen transfer membrane diffuser system fed from a blower. The air also provides the motive force to drive the wastewater in serpentine flow up and down the vertical columns of the matrix in the Bioreactor, allowing intimate contact between the wastewater and the bacterial film, and maximizing biodegradation and efficiency.


Biological surface and the media surface of filter converts dissolved organic waste material into ,by products like, Carbon dioxide, nitrate, nitrites, water and biological solids which are later removed by clarification

Benefits :

  • BOD Reduction inside media pac and suspended growth as a result of high MLSS in Aeration tank
  • Less area requirement for the system
  • System is resilient to shock loads
  • Lower Power cost as sludge recirculation is not required to maintain MLSS
  • Aerobic Treatment hence no odor in the vicinity of the treatment plant
  • Easy to operate and maintain
  • Lower sludge production