Moving / Fludized Bed Bio Reactor System -

The heart of the Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR) technology is a proprietary media and attached growth with a unique air distribution system. This media provides a large protected surface area for biological attached-growth. In the FBBR tanks and reactors, the media is subjected to an aeration process for maximum oxygen and mass transfer. The result is a very high rate of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) reduction per volume. The high density of attached living biomass makes the process much more resistant to toxic shock, sludge bulking, and other problems that can plague pure suspended growth systems.


Air generated from air blower is diffused into the bottom of the reactor vessel. The oxygen supply is automatically adjusted to maintain the proper dissolved oxygen level in the vessel. A high concentration of biomass develops because of the large media surface area, abundant oxygen and optimized mass transfer conditions. Excess biomass is automatically sheared at the discharge point for removal.

Features :

  • Removes hydrocarbons and BOD/COD in contaminated water through an attached growth biological treatment technology.
  • Uses oxygen transfer with a large protected bio film attachment area to achieve high removal rates.
  • Incorporates neutrally-buoyant Media Pac.

Benefits :

  • Capable of treating a variety of flow rates and contaminants.
  • Minimal maintenance compared to other biological treatment systems
  • The FBBR Media Pac incorporates high surface area and large void spaces that are aggressively sloughed to eliminate bio film growth and fouling
  • low operator attention
  • low capital and operating cost, and virtually odor-free
  • Can be customized to your requirements
  • Easy and quick installation
  • Continuous uniform growth of biomass
  • Continuous uniform sloughing of excess biomass
  • Continuous uniform liquid distribution
  • 1High hydraulic capacity and durability
  • Resistant to clogging
  • Eliminates dead spots
  • Low sludge production
  • Smallest foot print area requirement compared to other technologies